General FAQs

General FAQs

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How can I get a copy of the board’s agenda?

By visiting the board’s meetings page. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on either past or upcoming meetings. Review the meeting dates to locate the agenda you need, and the board’s agenda should be posted on the right under Materials.

If I am licensed in another state, what are the requirements to be licensed in Florida?

Go to Apply for a License to review the current licensure requirements, information and forms.

What is the continuing education requirement?

Go to Continuing Education to review the current continuing education requirements

If I am disciplined by the Board, will that information become public record?

Yes; the Board is required to publish a summary of final orders resulting in fines suspension, or revocations, and any other information the department or the Board determines is of interest to the public. You may search disciplinary records using our online Final Order and Emergency Action Search Screen. You may also find links to public discipline on the Look up a License application

If I changed my mailing address or employment site, should I inform the board office?

Yes; each licensee is solely responsible for notifying the Board in writing of his/her current mailing address and place of practice.

Who can attend Board meetings?

All Board meetings are open to the public and you are encouraged to attend.

Am I required to report a licensee to the department if I have personal knowledge they are in violation of the practice?

Yes. You may print the Complaint Form from our website or call (850) 488-0595 or (850) 245-4339 to request one by mail.

Which professions have profiles that list education, specialty certification and other background information on-line?

All medical doctors, osteopathic physicians, chiropractic physicians, podiatrists, and advanced registered nurse practitioners have profiles that list this information.

Which link allows me to change my mailing address on file with the department?

Once you are logged into Online Services, select Update Address link from the side navigational menu.

Does the department have assistance programs for impaired health care professionals?

Yes, Florida health care professionals can seek assistance for impairment through the Department’s Impaired Practitioner Programs – the Intervention Project for Nurses (IPN) or the Professionals Resource Network (PRN). Impairment may be as a result of misuse or abuse of alcohol or drugs, or both, or due to a mental or physical condition which could affect the licensee’s ability to practice with skill and safety.

Intervention Project for Nurses, Inc. (IPN) (Contract Number: COMV5)
Linda L. Smith, ARNP, M.Div, CAP, Chief Executive Officer
P.O. Box 49130
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32240-9130
Toll Free: (800) 840-2720
Telephone Number: (904) 270-1620
FAX: (904) 270-1633

Professionals Resource Network, Inc. (PRN) (Contract Number: COMW3)
P.O. Box 1020
Fernandina Beach, Florida 32035-1020
Toll Free: (800) 888-8PRN (8776)
Telephone Number: 904-277-8004
Fax: 904-261-3996

Do I have to report any criminal activities after I receive my license?

You are required to report all criminal activities after you receive your medical license. You may report the criminal offense(s) online via Online Services, by e-mail, or by mail:

Florida Department of Health
Licensure Support Services Unit, Bin #C-10
Tallahassee, FL 32399-3267

If reporting by e-mail or mail, provide the date of the offense, a description of the crime, and the county and state of jurisdiction.

What is the difference between License Verification and License Certification?

License Verification – Information regarding the licensure status of a practitioner. This is for use by persons or organizations that do not require a document certifying this information under seal.

Licensure Certification – Specific document certifying licensure status and disciplinary history, prepared by a representative of the Division of Medical Quality Assurance and bearing a seal. This document is generally required for applicants seeking licensure in other states and for use in court proceedings. There is a $25 fee for this service in accordance with Rule 64B-4.001, F.A.C.

How do I know if this website is secured?

This website is secured using a thawte Digital Certificate. This ensures that all information you send to us via the World Wide Web will be encrypted. Please click on the thawte Trusted Site Seal which demonstrates our commitment to your security. In addition to the thawte Trusted Site Seal, you will also see the “lock” emblem displayed in the browser.

In Internet Explorer 6, the lock emblem can be found in the lower right-hand corner of the status bar.

In Internet Explorer 7.0, the lock emblem can be found next to the address (URL) line.

In FireFox and Netscape, the emblem can be found in both locations.

Who can attend board meetings?

All board meetings are open to the public.

How can I become a board member?

Board members are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Senate. You may apply by contacting the
Governor’s Appointment Office,
LL10 The Capitol,
Tallahassee FL 32399-0001;

or by calling (850) 488-2183.

How can I file a complaint against a licensee?

Print the Complaint Form with the Authorization for Release of Patient Records from our Enforcement site or call 1-888-419-3456 or (850)414-1976 to request one by phone. Complete the form and mail it to the address given on the form.

How can I get a practitioner’s disciplinary history?

You can request a practitioner’s disciplinary history from our Public Records website under Disciplinary Records.

How can I get a list of practitioners by county?

To view a list of actively licensed practitioners, use the License Verification Search and select the county and profession from the drop-down list.

Advice for AOL users.

Users of later versions of AOL may experience problems accessing links within the Medical Quality Assurance (MQA) Services page when inside AOL and using the AOL browser. This is caused by pop-up security features within newer versions of AOL. Try to avoid accessing MQA Services from within AOL.

The way around the problem, once you have started AOL, is to minimize the AOL window and, from your computer’s desktop, open up an Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator browser. Type the url directly on the address line of the browser and press Enter. You will be able to access all the features within the MQA Services page without experiencing problems.

Is there an additional fee for using a credit card?

No. There is no additional cost for making a credit card payment online.

I’m not receiving a response to my email inquiries?

Verify that you are using the email address: Also, If you have SPAM blocker on your computer, you will not be able to receive emails from Licensure Services without updating your SPAM blocker to allow emails from the Department.

Please update your SPAM blocker to receive emails from or contact our Licensure Support Services at (850)-488-0595, for Account ID and Password renewal information.

Why do I receive an error when trying to print my temporary license?

If a PDF file fails to download, shows up blank, or freezes your internet browser, the file was most likely corrupted during the download process. To correct the problem, you will need to first clear your browser’s cache, then close and restart the browser, which entails logging back into MQA Services to continue downloading the document. If the cache is not cleared the cached version of the document, which is likely damaged, will still appear.