Proposed language has been approved by the Board of Hearing Aid Specialists for sales receipts to include Florida Department of Health’s Consumer Services Unit’s address, telephone and website with a minimum font size of 10 points…
64B6-6.010 Requirements Regarding Certain Information on the Receipt.
(1) The receipt required by Section 484.051(2), Florida Statutes, shall contain the address, telephone number and website of the Department of Health, Consumer Services Unit, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C75, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3275, (850) 245-4339 , Failure to provide this address on the receipt shall be a violation of this rule subject to disciplinary action.
(2) The receipt required by Section 484.051(3), Florida Statute, shall contain the disclaimer “A hearing aid will not restore normal hearing, nor will it prevent further hearing loss” in 10 point type or larger.